Saturday, January 17, 2009


Implementation Ovulation Method:

There are 2 conditions that must be fulfilled so that this can truly be relied upon as a safe KB:

1. From the wife: must familiarize themselves need to pay attention to the body's own (especially in the case of mucus) to be able to understand and make sure when the fertil. For that at the beginning of absolute need to conduct surveillance & recording.
2. From the husband: need to adjust to the self-compliance with the body of his wife in the relationship sek / coitus.

Which is very important is cooperation and understanding from her husband. This method requires a compact of cooperation between the husband and wife and willingness to "avoidance" relationships sex / coitus on days when the wife is in a fertile period.

Guidelines record for Wife:

1. If you want to know the signs with clear mucus Avoid all forms of intimacy / sexual intercourse during one cycle menstruation.
2. Start with form today. You do not have to wait until the day the curse / menstruation arrived. Provide books or write the note and blocked use marker color (spidol).
3. Observations can be done at any time throughout the day, but recommended done 3 times a day (morning, afternoon and night).
4. Charging form this should be done at night, fill in the date and hour ago write what you observed, or you feel that day. Then give marker with color according to the instructions below:

• When starting menstruation / arrive, write the date on the third line segment and start with the color red marker with the second line segment. Although the current period mucus can exit, WARNING PLEASE! (particularly when the period began to wane already). Write when you have mucus with blood menstruation (flek-flek) out of space on the fourth line.

• If the bleeding stopped and felt dry on the genitals (about sexual cavity) or no expenditure mucus dry and then write marker with the green on the evening to stop feeling dry.
Day-to-day, dry day is not the first fertile (MASA SAFE I) day-to-day and be safe for sexual/intimacy without any possibility pregnant.But for safety used to Rules Start the Day "As intermittent" (do not 2 days of consecutive pro coitus) .
But sometimes the day-to-day is not dry at all or have very long, depending on the length of this cycle menstruation.Specially for those who do not regularly cycle menstruation, possible day-to-day dry should not have got special attention.

• A large, dry days after menstruation does not necessarily, may be about 3-5 days but may not exist at all or is very long. This depends on the fast or slow ovulation and menstruation also participate in the next effect psychological women concerned.

• If you feel dry on the genitals stop / lost the premonition that this mucus is removed and began to change from day to day. Write the nature of mucus that is felt. During the mucus out of the muddy fill with yellow. On the day-to-day mucus exit this relationship should not do coitus / sex.

• Ovulation the nature of the mucus and clear out the liquid, giving a sense of wet and slippery, and when lengthen between the thumb and fingers long stretch without a drop out. Mucus as raw egg white. Give code white / blue with a baby picture. This Mucus is make women very fertil. At the time ovulation sometimes felt pain around the stomach, in the groin.

• Last day of mucus on the slippery, wet, on the vulva is top fertility or days may be the most pregnant.Give marke in the record use X.

• The first day after the summit by the secretion of mucus and a little more cloudy sticky directly or stop altogether, so this feels dry return.If this happened to you can determine the peak day with a cross (X) on that day. But if the mucus out still wet and slippery means you do not pass the peak, although the mucus out cloudy / opaque.

• During the 3 days after the peak of the day you are still in a state of fertile, so the prohibition pro coitus. If within 3 days is still out there mucus (sticky and muddy) then you need to record and use the code yellow (baby pictures). Mucous out if you feel dry and use the color green (baby pictures).

• In the day-to-4 weeks after the peak, if you feel dry give code green plain. Start this night, all the rest of the day cycle (until the next period) is the SAFE (not fertile) for intimacy/sex.Although there is still cloudy mucus out. Write mucus is yellow.

• Menstruation next will occur around 2 sunday (12 -16 days, a minimum of 10 days) after the peak day of fertility. If the period of determining whether the check arrived the day you are in accordance with the peak period of time.

• If menstruation next cycle start new record in a new page or column. Write the date and the period starting the day, order one from the start again. Do not forget to record the changes that day every night. Do not think that one month should be the same as the month even though the other women on the same.

• It is a good idea every time in coitus give a sign (eg sign arrow) in your notes. At least before the last day coitus fertile period and after the first coitus fertile period. Thus the error will be fast and does not recur again.

• The pregnant woman does not need to do a recording. Approximately 1 week or 40 days after the birth records that can be done again at the return of fertility and that does not "have a child does not plan / kesundulan" so do


Kristina Dian Safitry said...

o0o gitu ya mbak. ntar kalo dah punya suami dipraktekin ya mbak,hi..hi..*jadi malu deh gw,ketahuan kalo masih njomblo*

Anonymous said...

i cant spik english
duh duh duh

Anonymous said...

wah wahh,... sex education neeh...!! belajar dulu,..prakteknya ntar ajee..!!

Anonymous said...

waduh mbak prakteknya susah gak ya??? hehehe...

Anonymous said...

wahh...idem sama mba lyla nihh..
prakteknya gimana he..he...

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... iya yach... budhe mesti telatem bikin catatan tiap period..wah... prakteknya agak susah nich..blibet gitu... tapi ini info cemerlang..makasih yach... ijin ngeprint boleh ya..
Jazakillah bi khoir..

Oh ya.. fida anak pertama budhe pengen jadi dokter hewan..budhe ga' ngeh nich..mengarahkannya..mohon doanya ya Mba' Zie..Barakallahu fiiika..

Anonymous said...

wah prakteknya susah ya

mencobahidup said...

KEluarga Berencana, dua anak cukup.
Ini sih katanya orang2, laki2 itu egois kalau masalah kb.Pengen tahu beres aja

Senoaji said...

mbak kasih terjemahannya dung, wkwkwkwkwkwkwk maaf...


Anonymous said...

mbak zie ngurusi hewan terus apa gak bosen hehehe...

Anonymous said...

i ken spek engles. palagi spek soal ternak...hehehe

Anonymous said...

Hidup relationship sek/coitus.
Bikin hidup lebih hidup, asal dengan pasangan resmi lhoo...
--nyambung gak nyambung, commentnya gini aja ya mbak--

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Anonymous said...

rasa-rasanya, ini kontrasepsi metode pantang berkala yach??

Anonymous said...

I'm blog walking, just "nebeng" hehe

Anonymous said...

asli useful..!!

Anonymous said...

wahhh keren nih mba...

susah ga ya???

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info!

dede said...

hmm, nice post mbak! bahaya nggak sih efek samping dari kb, seperti pil atau suntuk dan susuk dsb?

Anonymous said...

Teruskan semangatmu nak!