Monday, January 5, 2009

Fresh Meat and Healthy

Some month ago in Semarang any issues about “Daging Glonggongan”.
What's "Daging Glonggongan"???
Head of RPH Salatiga Supriyanto revealed, “Daging Glonggongan is not healthy meat and have the characteristics that is easily recognizable. To find out, consumers can do the physical observations and ensure that the meat is sold or not healthy. Price of healthy meat is relatively normal, while Daging glonggongan is cheap. (Suara Merdeka)

Daging Glonggongan is cattle before slaughtered forced to drink water as much as possible. As a result, body weight a cow can increase more than 20%. For get big profit, Farmer did violence to cattle.

The general characteristics Daging Glonggongan :
  1. The meat not fresh, pale and slimy
  2. The meat release the sticky water
  3. Then the meat is sold traders, does not swing as the withdrawal of fresh meat, because the water will be drops
  4. The smell of meat is not good or rancidity

What's "Fresh Meat and Healthy"???

Ideal way that should be cut in the cattle are :

  1. first, animal take rest during one day
  2. then check-up their healthy have diseases or not (not have worms, wounds, etc)
  3. cutting is done in a way that's true, In Indonesia the majority are Muslims so cutting the animal that is done started with call the name of God and then slaughter is done with the sharp knife to cut the neck to the two main nerves or intravenously.
  4. so with that way, we will get meat with criteria ASUH (Aman/safe , Sehat/health, Utuh/good appearance and Halal)

Next, The general characteristics of Fresh meat and healthy:

  1. if it is touched with the hands of spongy consistency (kenyal)
  2. have any fat in the muscle fiber
  3. the color of meat bright red
  4. The smell of meat good
  5. surface of the meat is relatively dry


Unknown said...

wow it seem hot news... usually found on the market, so be carefull to buy...
nice tips.. i love it...

Kristina Dian Safitry said...

lom pernah turun kepasar berbelanja, jadi gak tahu cara milih daging segar. tapi sekarang dah tahu deh..txs..

Haris said...

Jadi kita memang mesti harus hato hati ya

Xitalho said...

ntar deh saya bilangin ke istri biar hati-hati beli daging di pasar.

The Diary said...

wah... mesti hati2 nih dgn daging glonggongan

Unknown said...

waahhh kalo disuruh belanja jadi tahu deeh...

budhe said...

Wow.. sangat informatif... makasih yach... tips penting untuk kami lebih berhati hati memilih daging sehat.

Hmmm... bosone cas cis cus dan Top banget dech... sukses ya...

Atca said...

sippp..invo menarik nihh..
jadi lebih tau cara milih daging segar he..he..

Anonymous said...

lets save our family with healthy food

bu melfa said...

i love cats...and this is a very informative post...

Anonymous said...

pilih2 nih kalo mau beli daging ya mbak :)