To decorate our daily lives for not saturate by routines, we often keep the pet animals even this can become a hobby. But there is also a desire to be right only because the trend is affected by the environment around the house or after the association so that there is often maintain flatness of the road because the animal does not patient this devotion. Even pet animals is also often sick and die eventually, this is due to be pitied than humanitarian reasons because the animals are also favored this price is not cheap.
Pet Animals that can be selected that is diverse Dogs, Cats, Rabbit, Bird, Fish, Chicken tub, Turtles, snake and other reptile, Hamster, shrimp etc.
So that we do not keep a pet animals because follow-later and then finally become useless then there are some things that must be observed:
- Selecting animal appropriate our interest so that we can maintain and can be pleased with the love sincere
- Selecting animal a suitable with our financial condition, this is very important than the price of the animals that we select are also associated with the maintenance (equipment like pens, feed, veterinary and medicine, etc.)
- We choose the pet animals adapted to our lifestyle. If we are very busy people who do not maintain recommended pet animals that need extra time like cat races and dog races. Unless we have assistants to do the treatment. Local dog and cat, turtles , bird and hamster might be options.
- We must understand the correct ways of keeping pet animals that we choose, especially the ways to understand the basic, such as = including social animals (stray) animals or soliter (must be in pens), type of feed and suplemen, toilet training, how to marry and have children, how to clean the cage and animals, this animal interaction with humans and other animals, and others.
- We must understand the purpose of maintaining our pet animals, just as a hobby or business, in general, this is running together. If it means for business should really be to select winning seeds that can be next winning seeds.
- We must understand the types of diseases in pet animals, especially the common disease that often affects how we understand the prevention and handling terapinya.
- We must also understand the types of animal diseases that can spread to humans (zoonosis) especially those related to the pet animals that we will choose so that we understand the steps and prevent the disease when handling this case.
intinya harus paham semua perilaku dan seluk beluk peliharaan kita ya mbak...
Kalo aku sih piara ikan. Gampang, gak ngrepotin, murah meriah lagi. Bahkan skrg sudah beranak pinak tuh sampe dikasih ke ponakan2.
Tips yang bagus Zie.
Kakak suka pelihara burung berkicau
nice info sist...tapi aku dirumah mliara ikan hias, gampang ngurusnya..
mbak Zie aku kirim makanan buat peliharaannya ya mbak...biar tumbuh sehat ..he..he...
infonya bagus...buat yang seneng pelihara hewan
wah... aku ngga punya hewan peliharaan nih mba.. heheheheh
Manfaat banget!
Wah ! orang Semarang kelihatannya cool sekali
Teruskan semangatmu nak!
tipsnya bermanfaat mbak... secara skrg bnyk rabies dimana2
nice tips Sis!!
Aku pengen piara kucing persia en kelinci lop, tapi mahal bgt
mudah2an aja ada yg nyasar ke rumahku, langsung ku piara deh...
Hemmm... klo aq gak pny peliharaan tuh mb zie... :)
Thanks buat tipsnya mbak.
Kebetulan saya pelihara doggy di rumah.
kangen mbak zie zie..
Oc tuh Tipsnya tp kalo suruh melihara anjing ma kucing Ampun dech, soale mbah koeng anti ma 2 hewan itu ?! takut .... hee....
pura2nya tahu ajah ma isi postingan, jadi tips ini memang ccok buat penyayang binatang, sayang dirumahku hanya da binatang pitik ma mentok ajah.
halo sis... kemana aja nih... kok sepi??? kalo aku lagi ngadem menenangkan hati dulu :)
weuweu main sini ahhh... lama gak kesini.. yuhuuu
holllaaa...sis... kemana aja neh... kok gak muncul2 ya...hehe...main game yuk :D
Wah hebat tenan dokter zie nih. Sayang rumahku g memungkinkan buat memelihara hewan peliharaan. Sebenarnya sih pingin.
Lagi sibuk ya Mba Zie. Salam.
Saya pernah memelihara kelinci dan ikan tapi umurnya tidak bisa bertahan lama. Sekarang tidak tega kalau mau membeli kelinci dan ikan lagi. Nanti saya malah bikin binatang2 itu menderita. Tapi ada hobi saya yg terus jalan: berkebun. Bikin stress hilang.
mbak Zie pa khabar? kirim lemper mbak... mugo2 kerso.
miara ikan koki aja dah, klo masih anak2 dulu miara ikan cupang...heheh
Sekarang ini nich...anakku lagi piara Burung Hantu... dapet dari kecil... ia dimasukkan kandang... eee..malam hari...Bapak Ibunya pada dateng nyamperin ke kandang di rumah...
Akhirnya ambil anaknya Induknya juga kena deh...cuman repot banget...,makannya sehari jangkrik 4000 rupiah habis semalam itu juga.... repot juga iya..
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