Wednesday, January 14, 2009


What’s Ovulation Method Billings???
(take from Ovulation Method by DR. J.J Billing)

It is a means as safe method and scientific for know when the fertile women. This can be used both to become pregnant or to delay or avoid pregnancy. This method is very simple, inexpensive, and easy to apply because based on the observation itself against symptoms that are naturally experienced by women of every normal.

Who are use this method:

1. couple would be able to plan when pregnant
2. how long do not want to get pregnant
3. when want pregnant again
4. kind of child sex you want

This method is not a prediction method, such as KB natural way in which a calendar method or a matter of arithmetic-date. The occurrence of ovulasi not "predicted" with the way calculate the days before or after menstruation, but determined on the basis of the signs that appear at the time and also easy to recognize by any normal woman.

Method Ovulasi Platform / essential things in the note:

1. each fertile woman who certainly has / will know that the period between two menstruation she will issu a white mucus from her genitals. Mucus gland is derived from the uterus neck. (cervic)
2. This indicates that the mucus is fertile woman (not a disease) and held at that time when the sexual (intimate contact) can become pregnant.
3. At the beginning of mucus is less visible and somewhat cloudy, sticky, white or slightly yellowish. The mucus secretion / multiply, slippery feel on the day to day from Vulva. become more liquid, liquid, giving a sense of wet / slippery and can be flexible, such as raw egg white. After a few days becomes sticky / thick back and eventually stop / dry.

Fertile’s day: a day of mucus that feels slippery and wet and during the next three days.

Sometimes there is little blood / The speck of blood that comes with the mucus, it usually indicates that the eggs are removed from ovarium and that means that women in the fertile.

If you want to have children:

1. See the day where women appear to feel the mucus or a wet and slippery, and elastic (such as raw egg white). (perhaps this does not happen in every cycle).
2. The opportunity to become pregnant is when these days to use in coition. To enhance fertility husband should make sexual abstinence for a few days before the intimacy / sexual for sperma so much.
3. When sexual conducted on the early-to-day called mucus or phlegm in the development of the (peak fertile day before), most likely to be born is a daughter. Medium if you want boys, coitus conducted on the last day of wet and slippery mucus (fertile peak hours) and the next day (ovulation’s day).

• If you do not want children:

1. Do not intimacy / sexual on menstruation. In addition to health reasons also because at the end of the period likely mucus had started out, but it does not look / feel mixed with blood of menstruation. This can occur in short-cycle.
2. Do not learn at the time of the sexual fertile days of the time out of slippery mucus wet, plus 3 days 3 nights thereafter.
3. Do not copulate in the day which happened a little bleeding period between two and three days afterwards.


Anonymous said...

Ini siklus untuk binatang ya zie??? kabuuur ntar ditimpuk zie

suryaden said...

persis, aku pernah dikursus pake ini...

Anonymous said...

wah... tipsnya bagus mbak

Kristina Dian Safitry said...

transalatenya mana mbak.kurang mudeng nih..hi..hi..

Anonymous said...

hiks...aku ra mudheng soal per-veterin-nya.....hiks

Anonymous said...

@Erik = kan sama aj bang utk manusia or hewan,siklusnya disesuaikan aja hehehe
@suryaden = berarti skrg dah praktek ya mas (^_^)
@my journey = thanks alot sis - ini bhn kuliah dulu
@Kristina = makasih ya mba udah zie pasang transletenya skrg
@Gus = ini kan diterapin di manusia mas

Anonymous said...

aku yo ra mudeng ... tp pingin belajar karo mbak Zie...

Anonymous said... imformative...I think someday i will practice it..

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budhe said...

Makasih Mba' Zie..budhe mang lagi berKB alami jadi info ini sangat manfaat.Sambil nyanding kamus nich..

Nyante Aza Lae said...

dq emang pernah baca kek prakteknya ribet mbak..

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