Thursday, January 8, 2009

Cheap and Easy Tips Eliminate Formalin In Food

What’s Formalin?

Formalin is a trade name formaldehid solution in the water with the 30-40 percent level। In the market, formalin can be obtained in the form has been diluted, with percentage formaldehid 40, 30, 20 and 10 percent and in the form of a tablet each weighing about 5 grams.

Danger Formalin In Food

Formalin is a dangerous and toxic materials for human health. If it’s go into our bodies with food and if it's high amount in the body, the chemical will react with almost all substances in the cells so that the function of cells and cause the death of cells that cause the body poisoned. Besides, the womb of formalin in the body also cause :

1. stomach irritation
2. allergy
3. carsinogenic (causing cancer)
4. a mutagen (causing changes in cell function / network)
5. the people who will consume vomiting, diarrhea mixed with blood, urine mixed with blood, and caused the death of circulatory failure.

Formalin when vapor in the air, in the form of gas that is not colored, with a sharp odor tighten, so it stimulates the nose, throat, and eyes. (DEPKES RI)

Tips Eliminate Formalin In Food

Tips from Dra SUKESI M. Si, Lecturer Department of Chemistry at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ITS, to reduce the formalin in food that has been preserved with formalin, we can take advantage. Moreover way offered that is very cheap and easy, and can be done by all of us that only with how to treat the food before consumption.

1. Deformalinisasi process of salted fish (Ikan Asin) can be done in a way soaking (merendam) salted fish in three kinds of solvents are water, salt solven and leri water (water used to wash rice).

  • Soaking in water for 60 minutes is able to lower the rate to 61.25 percent formalin
  • Soaking in leri water (water used to wash rice) during the 60 minutes is able to reduce formalin to 66.03 percent
  • Soaking in salt water is able to reduce formalin to 89.53 percent

2. Deformalinisasi process of Tofu (Tahu) can be done with a three-way soaked in water, in hot water, boiled in boiling water, steamed and boiled in boiling water and followed by the toasting process.

3. Deformalinisasi process of noodle (Bakmie) is the way soaking in hot water for 30 minutes, where the results could eliminate kadar formalin to reach 100 percent.

4. Deformalinisasi process of fresh fish, can be done with the solution soak in vinegar (Cuka) 5 percent for 15 minutes.


suryaden said...

yes we have do that, but i need how to clean mercury ....?

Anonymous said...

Makasih tipsnya Zie

Anonymous said...

thx u for sharing info :)

Linda said...

menyeramkan yaa...
kadang mo hidup sehat sulit sekali...
nice info..^^

Milla Widia N said...

bagos juga nih tipsnya utk mengeliminasi formalin dari makanan...secara, hari gini buanyak bgt makanan yg mengandung formalin
thanx for sharing ya ^^

budhe said...

Sepertinya mang sudah kerjasama produsen ma tengkulaknya klo' tak berformalin ga' laku lah.. kant cepet basi..cara cara tersebut harus dicoba dan diteruskan hayo hidup sehat tanpa formalin.

Makasih info cemerlangnya...pesen makanan organik dan non organik dhonk... he... restoran kali ya...

Anonymous said...

makasih tipsnya mba..

mencobahidup said...

Formalin.......formalin,zat kimia kesukaan produsen makanan di Indonesia

phiena-venus said...

ma kasih infonya. Kebetulan aku penyuka ikan asin, tahu n mie loh.

Anonymous said...

wah... tips tentang formalin mantap mbak :)

Priya said...


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Look forward to your response.


Nyante Aza Lae said...

makanya klo jajan, kmi slalu ngupayain gak usah kasih penyedap bang...

Nyante Aza Lae said...

klupaan mbak..slamat atas telah ditempatinya rumah baru...sukses slalu dehh

Anonymous said...

Salam kenal dan terima kasih atas info-nya


Anonymous said...

wih bahasan erek inggris kabeh...
tapi bagus dah bisa langsung translate...
moga aja g' pernah makan makanan yang mengandung formalin formalin

Xitalho said...

Suer.. what a nice tips...
Thank You for sharing..

DegDegan.duniamaya98 said...

wah ngeri ya,, padahal formalin itu mach digunakan sebagai pengawet kadaver. bau nya aja minta ampun, dan bikin pedas di mata..

Anonymous said...

moga2 aja, semuanya aja pada sadar untuk tidak menggunakan formalin sebagai bahan pengawet makanan, karena memang bukan diperuntukkan untuk pengawet makanan.

ellyelly said...

hoho...god bless u!
blessing u i got more info which will i make to create an essay.
this is good for my reference.
thx u.

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viagra online said...

I do believe that formalin causes all these ills, the truth is that something as toxic should not be healthy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks :)
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